Contact Us

Any questions? Please get in touch using the form below.

Due to the volume of emails we are receiving, please allow 24-48 hours for us to send a response.

Please avoid resending your email or sending the same message via another contact route for us as that only serves to add further delays in our response to you.
We are getting a lot of the same questions so please see below for common questions and answers and hopefully that can help you:

Where is my item - has it shipped yet?
We have put together this page on our website that shows the current state of all our signings; whether they are complete, in prep or delayed. It also details whether items are being shipped yet. When we ship your item you will receive an email with a tracking number so if you haven't received it, then we haven't shipped it yet.
The signing is complete - why hasn't my item shipped?
If you ordered Beckett authentication, we drop all items off at their Dallas HQ after the signing has taken place. They quote a 7-21 business day ETA but this has been fluctuating wildly. When we ship your item you will receive an email with a tracking number so if you haven't received it, then we haven't shipped it yet.
What is the shipping address for send in items?
You receive an email with all send in instructions when you place an order. Please check your Spam/Junk folder as sometimes they go in there.
I have received a tracking number but its not moved yet?
Due to the sheer volume of items we are shipping, we only do drops at the post office once or twice a week and even then, they don't necessarily scan all items immediately. Please have patience whilst they process the packages as they receive them.
INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS - Why is my item stuck?
 Customs are taking a long time at the moment and we are seeing packages stalled there for a few weeks. Please have patience whilst your item gets moving again.